Virtual Reality (VR) is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive feel of a virtual world
The History of VR is of vast length dating all the way back to the 1830s. Usually in peoples perception virtual reality is linked to gaming. However, in recent times it has been put to practical use. Virtual Reality has evolved to be used in simulators to train pilots and prepare them for actual practical flying, its also a prominent tool in medicine, as it allows future and current surgeons to train on a virtual model through carefully designed simulations prior to going through with real surgery, helping them to get a feel of how the surgery might proceed.
Active vision methods
Active vision methods refer to techniques or strategies employed by biological organisms or artificial systems to actively explore and gather visual information from their surroundings.
Dynamic Perception: Active vision involves dynamically adjusting the way visual information is acquired, focusing on specific areas of interest or changing viewpoints based on task requirements.
Biological Inspiration: The concept is inspired by how living organisms, particularly animals, use eye movements and other mechanisms to actively explore their environment and gather relevant visual data.
Applications: Active vision methods are used in robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. For example, a robot equipped with active vision may adjust its cameras to focus on specific objects or scenes during navigation or object recognition tasks.
Applications of VR
Surgical Planning:
Surgical planning devices are similar to training systems but with a difference: a surgical planning system takes real patient data and combines it in real-time through graphical computer interaction that reproduces the patient's anatomy. VR provides a chance to repeat a surgical procedure numerous times before the actual surgery to improve medical practice.
Surgical planning is implemented in the European Union through a project called IERAPSI (Integrated Environment for Rehearsal and Planning of Surgical Interventions), based on stereoscopic virtual vision.
As part of a project by NASA researchers called the Virtual Collaborative Clinic Project, they developed the Cybercalpel, a simulation system for surgical planning. This system reconstructs a human organ taken from a CT device and projects a virtual model for practical procedures. For example, virtual endoscopy solves problems encountered in classical endoscopic interventions, such as complications (perforations, hemorrhages), or high costs. Virtual endoscopy combines tomography with three-dimensional techniques to reproduce an organ similar to the original one. The 3D virtual model allows the surgeon to navigate around the simulated organ. This type of endoscopy is non-invasive and less costly, with no reported complications to date.
In some clinical disciplines, such as neurosurgery, designing various techniques and anticipating the outcome of the procedure leads to the development of personalized, individualized treatment with a significant impact on surgical intervention results. 3D reconstructions are extremely useful in planning invasive neurosurgical procedures. Stereotactic principles - the ability to locate a specific point using relative geometric positions - are achieved by implementing VR in surgical planning. A guided robot, designed by Levalee et al. in special neurosurgical interventions, is used to explore brain tumors and plan their removal.
Medical Imaging and Diagnosis:
In medical imaging and diagnosis, the objective of VR is to increase the volume of information that the specialist doctor can use to accurately detect and evaluate a disease or pathological situation.
In a 2004 study, the research team led by Dr. Mariano AlcaƱiz investigated the possibilities of using virtual reality in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The study used a three-dimensional stereoscopic representation of the brain, where the doctor could move and analyze different sections, thus facilitating a more accurate diagnosis.
In another application, virtual reality is used in the treatment of post-stroke patients, particularly in the case of hemispatial neglect. Hem has a special type of neurotorphic syndrome NC: asymarbor with hy: sym, a pseudarbor associated and a megarbor with megarbord, all changes that occur in a clockwise direction.
Rehabilitation Techniques:
Virtual reality is also beneficial in rehabilitation techniques. In cases of stroke, trauma, or various neurological disorders, patients often face the challenge of regaining mobility or relearning specific movements. VR-based rehabilitation programs offer an interactive and engaging way to address these challenges.
The use of VR in rehabilitation allows patients to practice and repeat movements in a virtual environment, providing a safe and controlled setting. The virtual environment can be adjusted to the patient's specific needs, allowing for personalized rehabilitation plans. For example, a virtual reality system can simulate activities like walking, reaching, or grabbing objects, providing a platform for patients to retrain their motor skills.
Remote Surgery and Emergency Medicine:
One of the most groundbreaking applications of VR in healthcare is remote surgery. Surgeons can use VR technology to perform operations from a distance, controlling robotic surgical instruments through a virtual interface. This capability has the potential to revolutionize healthcare in remote or underserved areas where access to specialized medical care is limited.
In emergency medicine, VR can play a crucial role in training healthcare professionals to handle high-pressure situations. Simulations in virtual reality allow medical teams to practice responding to emergencies, enhancing their skills and readiness. This training can be particularly valuable for scenarios that are infrequent but require precise and swift action.
Challenges and Future Directions:
While the applications of VR in healthcare have shown promising results, there are still challenges to overcome. Some of the key challenges include:
-Cost: VR technology can be expensive, and widespread adoption may be hindered by the costs associated with acquiring and maintaining the necessary hardware and software.
-Accessibility: Not all healthcare facilities may have access to advanced VR systems, limiting the widespread implementation of VR-based interventions.
-Integration with Existing Systems: Seamless integration of VR technology with existing healthcare systems and workflows is essential for effective implementation. Compatibility issues and resistance to change can pose challenges.
-Evidence-Based Validation: While there is growing evidence supporting the efficacy of VR in various healthcare applications, further research and validation are needed to establish the long-term effectiveness and benefits.
-Ethical Considerations: The use of VR in healthcare raises ethical considerations related to patient privacy, data security, and informed consent. Ensuring ethical standards in the development and deployment of VR applications is crucial.
Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of VR in healthcare are significant. As technology continues to advance and costs decrease, VR is likely to play an increasingly prominent role in medical education, therapy, surgery, and overall patient care.
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